It is an old superstition that theatres leave one light on to keep the ‘ghost’ happy. There are many reasons behind this; one being to keep away evil spirits so no harm is done to the actors on their returns.
A place that holds a place in many of our hearts is the place which brings back joyful childhood memories of pantomimes, musicals with the family and the buzz of waiting at the stage door in the hope of catching a glimpse of the stars is the same place that is yet again struggling.
Theatre’s always struggle though. It is one of many traditions. They survived the Spanish flu and many other tragedies and wars and this pandemic will not be the end; the show must go on. There will of course be shows about the Coronarvirus too. Comedies? Tragedies? Who knows!
Not only do theatres have to close and cancel future shows they are also demanded to give refunds for those shows. Everybody loses. This is where we all must play our part. If we can raise money and keep these theatres open then it’s not a loss it’s a win. Theatres can continue bringing joy to the public and the public can look forward to this once the corona cloud lifts. This is especially important for those vulnerable in society.
We need to hold on to the idea that life we return to normal; communities will reunite and pleasures which we now see as a thing of the past, we will enjoy once again. We want to keep the lights on and spirits high; and together we can get through these uncertain times. Remember to look out for those far and wide, reconnect, recuperate and recharge your batteries ready for opening night.
Guest Blogger: Lara Calmonson